4 Ways to Spot Fake Spotify Playlists

Man and a robot listening the music

We've put up a detailed guide with important indicators to help you recognize phony or possibly dodgy Spotify playlists.

Step 1: Investigate Spotify Followers

Before you do anything further, examine the Spotify playlists' followers as well as the profile followers of the playlist account. While Spotify hides the list of playlist followers, profile followers are visible.

It's unlikely that an account with a playlist that has 5,000 followers will also have that many followers. When monitoring profile followers, you may come across accounts with unusual and seemingly auto-generated usernames.

If you come across Spotify playlists with 30,000 to 60,000 followers but a minimal profile follower count, pay close attention to it. Consider the following at this point:

Profile Photo: Dubious Spotify playlists frequently lack engaging photos or branding.

Number of Tracks: Suspicious Spotify playlists generally have less than 50 tracks, with the majority of them being popular music.

Playlist Artists: Proceed with care if all artists are obscure and have no evident history of a major platform presence.

fake spotify profiles without a profile picture

Step 2: Highlight Artist Profiles

Exploring artist biographies can lead to two important discoveries. To begin with, check to see if the questioned playlist is one of the top five “Discovered on” playlists for the artist. Despite having fewer followers, the presence of additional Spotify playlists might signal suspicious behavior.

Second, the "Discovered on" section will show additional Spotify playlists that include the artist's songs. To fool more artists and cover many genres, bots frequently use broad, uninteresting titles such as "Top 50 Hits", "Top Tracks", "New Releases", or "Top Upcoming Artists". 

"discovered on" spotify section

Step 3: Interact with Playlist Curators

Strive for communication with the playlist curators and inquire about their Spotify playlists expansion strategy. Follow gates, submission gates, and other questionable tactics are sometimes used by curators to boost the playlist's attractiveness by artificially inflating the follower count.

When determining the legitimacy of Spotify playlists, consider metrics such as monthly listener numbers and verified streams.

Step 4: Steer clear of deceptive Spotify playlisting platforms

If Spotify playlists guarantee a set number of plays for a set payment, consider it again since it is a questionable offer. Accepting such a proposal not only breaches Spotify's Terms of Service, but it also makes use of predictive analytics to abuse user behavior. 

The following characteristics often serve as indicators of fake Spotify playlists:

  • The website lacks verified, accessible support
  • "Going Viral" claims
  • Poorly designed websites or procedures
  • Unwanted e-mails
  • Pricing under $50 represents an unrealistic running cost until bots are deployed
  • Seeking contributions to keep music on their playlist

Pitch-Us Against Bots and Fraudulent Spotify Playlists

As we continue to battle bots at Pitch-Us, we use a variety of technologies to help us.

We use Know Your Customer (KYC) technology to authenticate each curator's identity, promoting transparency. Furthermore, by reviewing historical data and the playlist's inception date, we can keep a close check on any significant changes in follower count or content over time.

With these measures in place, we want to safeguard this extraordinary platform for artists worldwide. As an artist, it is vital to be aware of these warning indications if you do not want to fall victim to phony Spotify playlists and maintain the integrity of your music on Spotify. We believe you should protect your craft at all cost if you want to advertise your music legitimately on Spotify.

In a Nutshell

It might be difficult to navigate the world of Spotify playlists, but with the correct information and tools, you can assure a safer and more profitable experience. You can protect yourself and your music from bot Spotify playlists and false streams by spotting red indicators and concentrating on creating an honest relationship with the correct audience.

Pitch-Us is committed to sustaining a flourishing network of real Spotify playlists, enthusiastic curators, and genuine listeners. Our rigorous KYC method and frequent inspections ensure that the curators on our platform reach genuine audiences, assisting you and your music in reaching the correct people.

Finally, remember that this is a journey, not a sprint. Prioritize genuine interaction and continuing progress as an artist above empty stats. 

By prioritizing genuine interaction and continuous progress, you can build a loyal fan base that truly appreciates your music. It's important to approach platforms like Spotify responsibly, ensuring that your music is shared in a safe and supportive environment for both you and your listeners. Stay true to your artistic vision and let your incredible music shine through to the rest of the world.

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